Our advisors are renowned veterans from the financial services industry and academic institutions. They provide us strategic advice on our business and operation management, risk control, industry outreach, research and due diligence insights, and latest development in impact investment and business innovation.

Bénédicte Nolens
Head of Regulatory Affairs for Asia and Europe & CCO for Asia, Circle
Bénédicte is the Head of Regulatory Affairs for Asia and Europe & CCO for Asia for Circle, a Board Member of the Hong Kong Fintech Association and a Member of the Global Digital Finance Advisory Council. From 2012 to 2018 she was the Head of Risk and Strategy of the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission, from 2007 to 2012 she was a Managing Director at Credit Suisse, and before that she was an Executive Director at Goldman Sachs. She holds an LLM and MBA from the University of Chicago. In 2016 she was a recipient of the China Daily Asian Women Leadership Awards for people who are dedicated to entrepreneurialism, innovation and change.

Alex Nicholls
Alex Nicholls 教授是英国牛津大学第一位社会企业学的终身教授,于2004年获委任为牛津大学斯科尔社会创业中心(Skoll Centre for Social Entrepreneurship)的首位职员。他的学术研究课题涵盖社会创新和创业的多个领域,包括:社会及影响力投资;会计、问责和治理之关系;公共及社会政策环境;以及公平贸易。
迄今,Alex 已出版了超过90篇学术论文、工作稿、书目和六本书。大部分都发表在同行评审的期刊和书籍中,其中有五篇论文刊登在《金融时报》评选的“期刊三十强”之中。他亦是斯科尔工作论文系列的总编辑及《社会企业家期刊》( the Journal of Social Entrepreneurship)的编辑。
Alex 曾于多间大学任教,包括:加拿大多伦多大学、英国利兹都会大学、萨里大学、阿斯顿商学院和牛津大学。他也是英格兰东南地区社会企业专家小组的成员,并且是ESRC社会企业能力建设小组(Social Enterprise Capacity Building Cluster)的咨询小组成员。他是伯明翰大学第三部门研究中心(Third Sector Research Centre at the University of Birmingham)的荣誉研究员和新南威尔士大学社会影响力中心(the Centre for Social Impact, University of New South Wales)的研究员。他目前还是几家社会企业的董事会成员。
Alex 在伦敦国王学院获得英语语言文学学士(荣誉)、硕士和博士学位,在牛津大学获得牛津大学玛格莉特夫人学堂工商管理硕士学位。

Richard Nesbitt
CEO, Global Risk Institute
Mr. Richard Nesbitt is CEO of Global Risk Institute in Financial Services, which is building a globally recognized research organization in the management of emerging risks.
Richard was Chief Operating Officer of Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce until he retired from that position in September 2014. He joined CIBC in 2008 following his more than 20 years of experience in the securities industry which included CIBC Wood Gundy from 1987 to 1997. From 2004 to 2008 Richard was Chief Executive Officer of the Toronto Stock Exchange, having joined TSX as President of TSX Markets in 2001.
Richard, who serves on a variety of corporate and community boards, was recognized in 2014 by the organization Women in Capital Markets with its Visionary Award. He also received the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal for community service and the Arbor Award from the University of Toronto for his work with the school.
Richard is also a Visiting Professor at the London School of Economics, United Kingdom, an Adjunct Professor of the Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto, and chair of the Advisory Board of the Mind Brain Behavior Hive at the same University.
In 2017, Richard published a book (with Barbara Annis) titled “Results at the Top” on the issue of men’s responsibility for gender diversity to improve their organizations (Wiley 2017).